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The Girl In The Doorway (3)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 5212 words) [3/6] show all parts

Author: Chrissie Bentley Picture in profile
Added: Mar 03 2014Views / Reads: 1132 / 874 [77%]Part vote: 9.86 (21 votes)
Flora begins to remember the past - but she keeps the present interesting, too.

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Flora awoke suddenly. She'd been dreaming. Or was it a memory pushing back to the surface? She sometimes had difficulty distinguishing between the two - when you have spent so long forcing yourself to live in the present, your own past becomes a stranger. She and her ex-husband were talking. She couldn't remember what about, but she could still feel the sense of unease that consumed her as he walked away. In fact, that was what had woken her.

She reached into her memory, dredging out the details of the dream. It had taken place in the park, the one she lived in immediately after everything went to pieces. Had he tracked her down in real life? Or had she simply been so frightened that he might that her unconscious mind started creating scenarios in which he could?

It was Rob's suggestion that she file for divorce that triggered it, and her conversation with the lawyer that followed. On paper, it was simple. An advertisement would be placed in some obscure magazine, asking for him to get in touch. If he did, he'd be personally served with the divorce papers; if he didn't, and of course that was the most likely, because who reads the legal notices in some podunk local newspaper, then the divorce would sail through completely uncontested.

It was the "if" that bothered her. There was a lot Flora hadn't told ...

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