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Culinary Schoolthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 4130 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Bobby_J
Added: Mar 04 2014Views / Reads: 883 / 606 [69%]Part vote: 9.75 (4 votes)
Coles story continues with his decision to go to culinary school. He tells his parents, moves to Boston, and begins his journey in class and the kitchen.

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Making Plans


After New York, Cole became very withdrawn from his family. He secretly looked into culinary schools and applied online for admission to several. He had been accepted to one in Chicago and one in Boston. Boston was home to one of the Le Cordon Bleu schools and offered an associates program where he could potentially be finished in less than two years. Cole had money saved, but not quite enough to cover the entire tuition and leave anything to live on. He knew as soon as he told his father of his new plans any assistance from them would be out of the question.


Toward the end of July he sent in his first semester's tuition and that was that. Now he would have to tell his father. He knew he would need to tell him soon because there were already jobs that he was being assigned to in the fall. His landlord had been informed of his plans to vacate the apartment and he had called ahead and set up a small one room place within walking distance of the school. Cole was more excited and happy than he had ever been, and at the same time terrified of the fallout from his family. They wouldn't understand. Cole thought of how hard his father worked to put Cole into the situation he was in in life ...

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