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My Hubby the Porn Starthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 5968 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Joyce Picture in profile
Added: Mar 13 2014Views / Reads: 1420 / 996 [70%]Part vote: 9.67 (3 votes)
I wanted to watch my husband with another woman and pretend it was a porn. (mainly straight, but with a little FF)

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In telling you about my last time with multiple guys, I mentioned in passing that I'd joined Joe and Donna the first time they invited another woman to join them. I think Donna can tell the story better than I can, so I'm giving her this forum to do so.


My husband Joe and I share an amazing sex life, and no small part of it is that we're open to new things. Once, before we were married, we took some pictures of ourselves having sex and posted them on an amateurs' website. Not long after we were married, Joe had to go away on a business trip for two weeks. He was able to come home for the weekend, but before that, I had gotten so horny that I decided to satisfy myself online. I visited the site where we'd posted the pictures, just so I could see them all at once. It had been a while, and we'd gotten a lot of good votes and compliments, mostly for me but no small number for Joe. One guy who called himself Dick Diggler waxed eloquent about how he'd love to pleasure me. Okay, I'm lying. He was neither imaginative nor even very descriptive, and he spelled "baby" with so many e's that they took up a line of text by themselves. His only redeeming quality was his dick.

I wasn't sure if it was as big as it appeared, so I looked at his other pictures. He fucked a couple different women from behind, and one of them went down on him while wearing sleep shades as a disguise. The ...

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