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Road Trip Teasethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:oral sex, 5964 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Reltney McFee
Added: Mar 22 2014Views / Reads: 3508 / 2234 [64%]Part vote: 9.60 (10 votes)
She tries to distract me on a long trip home, and then follows through. **edit for typo**

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Road Trip Tease

It had been a long week, visiting the in laws. My wife's parents were assholes, more so her mother than her pussy whipped father, but I shut up and acted like I enjoyed the visit, for the sake of my wife. The two oldest were spending another week with Nana and Poppa, and so we were driving back to northern Michigan with the two babies.

The drive had tuckered them out, and they slept peacefully as I navigated the interstate. Once we got north of Bay City, Sheryl developed a mischievous twinkle in her eye, and she slid over next to me in the front seat of our SUV. I saw, from out of the corner of my eye, as she glanced into the rear seat, ensuring the boys were still deeply asleep, and she then began to run her hand up and down my right thigh. It had been a nookie drought in the in-laws' house, and Mr. Happy certainly appreciated the attention that he assumed was headed his way.

Sheryl began to run her hands up the baggy leg of my cargo shorts, and leaned close to me to whisper, "You just keep your eyes and attention on the road. I have some delayed business with my friend, here, and I don't want you interrupting us."

With that, she began to reach up into my shorts, and stroke my cock through my underwear. Of course, I leaped to attention, but, heeding ...

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