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Love Rekindledthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:romantic, 5740 words)

Author: ThePiggy
Added: May 07 2014Views / Reads: 1070 / 338 [32%]Story vote: 9.50 (4 votes)
After a long break my true love and I found our way back to each other.

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I watched her walk naked into the room, my eyes devouring every nuance and curve as my heart raced and my flaccid cock began to stir. Her bright green eyes sparkled knowingly and a mischievous grin danced on her full lips. She was beautiful, sexy, intelligent and giving and I loved all of those things about her and more. I'd first met her nearly a decade earlier at a restaurant in Boston. We'd both been married then but we'd been drawn together by a powerful unseen and unstoppable force. Our first night together had been innocent and benign. We had slept together, fully clothed with our bodies spooned tightly together and our fingers laced tightly as one. In the early morning as the sun outside started to rise and the others in the room slept peacefully around us our lips had met in a tender kiss. Our passion had risen quickly to a fever pitch and it had taken every once of our self control to stop at just a kiss but our connection had been made. We were a perfect pair. She was the Yin to my Yang and what followed was kismet but our star burned too bright and it collapsed, albeit temporarily, under the gravity of expectation. Our affair had lasted eleven months but we remained connected in mind and spirit even when we had little to no actual contact and there was rarely a doubt that we would eventually find our way back into each others arms.

"What?" She asked with a glowing smile. She often displayed more than a hint of self consciousness despite her radiant beauty and I vividly ...

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