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Repaying her husband’s debtthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 5409 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Jun 26 2014Views / Reads: 4891 / 3684 [75%]Story vote: 9.30 (10 votes)
While discussing the repayment of his large betting tab with his concerned bookie, Alex’s girlfriend, Monica, ever casual with his money and feeling quite horny, let’s slip, much to Marcus’s enrage, how much she paid for her new skimpy dress.

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Alex had a thing for gambling. Likewise, Monica, his girlfriend, had a thing for spending his winnings. However, due to an unexpected event in the last game that he bet on, his two worlds - that of his expectant book keeper and his free spending girlfriend - were about to collide—head on!

Days before the ball game, Alex, who was already in the ‘hole' for $3G, assured Monica that he couldn't lose; Cleveland couldn't lose, in point of fact. That said, the odds, being 2 to 1, weren't in his favour but he was undeniably confident. Alex had been a lifelong gambler since he was 13, betting on all manner of games: cards, dice; even the toss of a coin, which in some respects this particular game was. If Cleveland lost, Alex would be down $9G but if they won, as he was well certain they would, he would be even; the $3G he owed Marcus, paid off.

Monica, on the other hand, not being one for numeracy, saw it a different way. Alex would be $3G up, some of which would pay for a slinky black Ralph Lauren dress she had her eyes on. As the days before the game grew shorter and Alex's confidence soared higher, Monica decided to take a gamble of her own, and subsequently bought the dress all the same.

The morning after the game, Alex received the expected phone call from his irate bookie, who wanted to know when he could collect the money Alex now owed him. Trying his best to reason with Marcus, something ...

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