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Banking School - Chapter 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 4070 words) [3/6] show all parts

Author: SecretLiaison Picture in profile
Added: Jul 04 2014Views / Reads: 2175 / 1798 [83%]Part vote: 9.81 (16 votes)
What happens next with Courtney and who is Andrea?

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Class at banking school - particularly early morning and just after lunch - can be tough enough, add the extracurricular activities of the previous evening and I was struggling to keep up. Unfortunately, my first class covered some pretty heavy material in an area of banking where I have little experience. So, my mind wandered and I kept seeing the picture of Courtney's lilly tattoo in the small of her back. "I wonder what it would look like with streaks of cum dripping over it," was just one of my many wandering thoughts.

I was slammed back to reality when I heard my name called by the instructor. He had a spreadsheet with details about all of our banks and he was asking what I thought of my bank's current 'Texas Ratio' and what it meant for performance. Caught out for a moment, I stumbled and mumbled and eventually made up some crap on the spot to satisfy his question.

My drifting was not unnoticed by the cute little lady in the seat next to me. As the instructor moved on to another line of discussion she leaned over and whispered, "Late night?"

Oh, if only she knew. "Yeah," I replied showing my bandaged knuckle, "I was killing it at the trike race."

"I know, I saw you. How's the hand?"


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