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A Family Affairthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 10978 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Jul 08 2014Views / Reads: 3926 / 2965 [76%]Story vote: 9.63 (19 votes)
A power outage changed his life.

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The tearing apart of my family came about because of a power outage.

Maybe once every couple of months or so there will be a power outage in the area where we live. They last anywhere from a minute or two to several hours. As everyone knows power outages affect electrical and electronic devises. When our alarm clock loses power it resets itself to 12:00 a.m. and the LEDs start flashing to alert you to the fact that power has been interrupted.

If this happens in the middle of the night you of course don't know about it until you wake up and find that the alarm didn't wake you when it was supposed to. That was the case on the Tuesday morning that my world turned to shit. I woke to see the flashing lights and I got up and got my watch off the dresser to find that I'd overslept by almost an hour. I had an important meeting that morning and I could not miss it.

In my rush to get ready to go to work I overlooked taking some normal precautions like locking the bathroom door when peeing. I was standing in front of the toilet taking a whiz when I heard:

"I don't got one of those" and I turned and saw Laura, my daughter standing there watching me. Then she said the words that turned my worlds upside down.


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