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Mutually Assured Destruction, Part 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 1662 words) [3/7] show all parts

Author: JanDe Picture in profile
Added: Jul 23 2014Views / Reads: 1222 / 938 [77%]Part vote: 9.60 (10 votes)
Boss and employee, now rapidly becoming an item, begin their weekend adventure. Several orgasms later, day #1 had barely begun.

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Mutually Assured Destruction, Part 2

As we walked out of the office, I set the burglar alarm. We went out into the parking lot, and I said, "Jackie, if I am going to pick you up at 7 AM, I am going to need to know where you live."

Handing me a slip of paper with her address and phone number on it, Jackie said, "... and I am going to need to know where we are going so that I know how to dress and what to pack."

I hesitated, "I'm not sure where were are going, but it will be about a two hour drive so dress comfortably. Once we get there, we will probably go out walking, so walking shoes. And for dinner we will go to a restaurant where I need to wear a jacket and tie. Does that help?" Jackie smiled, nodded, and said, "See you at 7 AM. Don't be late."

I drove home and began looking for the right hotel in the right city at the right distance. I called the Four Seasons Hotel in Philadelphia and booked a suite facing Logan Circle for early check-in on Saturday and late departure on Sunday. As I packed, plans for the weekend began to take shape in my mind. I called the hotel again and ordered lunch to be delivered to our room the next day at Noon.

I packed my clothes and went to sleep, thoughts of Jackie floating through my dreams. I awoke at 5:30 AM with a raging hard-on and ...

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