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Michelle's Sexuality Re-Awakened, Ch 8this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2728 words) [8/20] show all parts

Author: robertl
Added: Aug 07 2014Views / Reads: 878 / 619 [71%]Part vote: 9.78 (9 votes)
My wife and I begin our dates with our lovers

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I stopped off at Safeway to pick up a pretty bouquet of flowers and very nervously drove over to the address Jacqui had given me. This was going to be the first time I had picked up a girl for a date since Michelle and I were going together and this seemed completely different from then. Michelle and I had known each other since we were kids, but this time I was picking up a very attractive and much younger girl that I had only met a couple times for what would most likely be an extremely erotic experience, especially after the little going-away gift my wife had just given me.

I found her house fairly easily, then stood at her door, trying to get up enough courage to actually ring her doorbell. When I did, she answered fairly quickly and I handed her the bouquet I had brought. She looked at them, smelled their fragrance, smiled beautifully, told me thank you and gave me a very nice kiss on the lips. It wasn't overly erotic, no tongues passing from one to the other but her lips felt so soft and luscious on mine and lasted a little longer than a simple greeting kiss. There seemed to be a promise in that one kiss that this was going to be a very nice evening.

She invited me in and closed the door behind us, found a pretty vase for the flowers and filled it with water. "Thank you for the flowers, that was thoughtful of you."

"I thought it would be the least I could do, pretty flowers for a very ...

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