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the Adulteress & the hired hand(s)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3257 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Aug 21 2014Views / Reads: 5312 / 3384 [64%]Story vote: 9.57 (7 votes)
While her husband, David, was away for two weeks at a time, the ever horny Simone spent her days calling up tradesmen to fill her lonely life.

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‘Who shall I call up this time,' I pondered to myself, as I climbed out of bed and looked forward to another fortnight of fun and frolics with two workmen. Last time it was a pair of randy decorators that I called in for an estimate; they ended up painting my face and firm tits with their hot creamy cum. The time before that, I had two others look over the crack outside my bedroom ceiling; the only crack that got filled that day was the one between my thighs.

As I gazed out of the bedroom window, which is situated at the back of the house, I noticed that Dave hadn't cut the bush like fence that runs along the left side.

"That looks promising. Then they can tackle my bush," I said, with a furtive smile, the fingers of my right hand tracing a slow path down my body and feeling how wet I was through my raven bush.

"Hello, yes..." I began, as I spoke to the person on the other end of the phone.

"...Not until tomorrow!" I exclaimed anguishly, my horny pussy in need of relief now.

"Okay, then, tomorrow," I agreed, resignedly. And having put the phone down, I sighed sulkily, and reached for the draw of my bedside cabinet from which I removed my bright pink vibe to relieve my horny state in ...

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