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The Reverend, part 5this story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 2922 words) [5/7] show all parts

Author: mcerotic
Added: Aug 24 2014Views / Reads: 1646 / 1390 [84%]Part vote: 9.36 (14 votes)
Nellie returns to Lord Devon's house. He is so pleased with his new toy that he wants a second maid trained.

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The footman knocked on Lord Devon's study door and showed in the Reverend.

"Ah Reverend. Good to see you again," he said shaking his hand.

Once the footman had departed the conversation got a lot less formal.

"How did it go?" Lord Devon asked.

"She is fully trained. You will not be disappointed."

"Did she return with you?"

"Yes. But I thought it inappropriate to bring her straight here with me. I sent her downstairs to the kitchen. You can summon her now and we can have some fun with her."

Lord Devon rang a bell and arranged for Nellie to come to his study. A few minutes later she arrived, dressed once again in her servant's uniform, not the Ladies' dresses that she had been wearing at the vicarage.

"She is completely submissive," the Reverend said. "Watch...suck my cock, Nellie."


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