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The Treasurethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 6894 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Blotanhunka Picture in profile
Added: Sep 02 2014Views / Reads: 2352 / 1210 [51%]Part vote: 9.00 (5 votes)
A beautiful woman realizes her true nature and finds the man she has searched for, finding love and happiness.

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The Treasure 2013 by Blotanhunka

Kendall and her tennis friends had been playing their normal Wednesday morning doubles match when they stopped play to watch two men on the court next to them show them up close and personal how professional tennis is played. One of them was Ryan Blanc, the head pro at the club, and the other one was a tour professional, a friend of Ryan's. All four women were captivated as the points were played out in front of them.

Kendall was aroused, her panties wet, thinking about Ryan, wondering how it would feel to have his cock buried deep in her pussy or down her throat. She orgasmed as her pussy spurted juice into her panties. She surreptitiously pressed the handle of her tennis racquet against her swollen labia groaning in pleasure. She decided then it was time to go ahead with the plan she had been working on.

Kendall was now 32 yrs. old, of Italian/German/Irish/Danish ancestry. She was a precocious child, graduating from University at age 15, and then earning a doctorate in Biochemistry at 19. On a summer internship at age 17, she married her boss, getting pregnant the first time they had sex, even though she was taking the Pill. Her daughter was born at age 18. She managed to finish her doctorate, while getting married, having a baby, taking care of it, and working a research position in her in-law's family pharmaceutical company, and manage two houses. ...

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