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Carnal attraction: 4> A Welcome returnthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 4440 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Sep 25 2014Views / Reads: 1288 / 757 [59%]Story vote: 10.00 (4 votes)
A handsome male orderly, after some time away at another wing of a busy hospital, returns to his normal duties, and the attention of nurse Gloria Jacobson.

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There I was, going about my usual nurse duties, only to, when I looked across the room for some assistance with the cantankerous Mr Price, notice Eric, a quite fanciable orderly.

"Eric, could you?" I exclaimed, summoning him over.

"Sure, Nurse Jacobson," he said. One of the things the hospital administrator insists upon is the proper use of names. Right now, I'd otherwise like to tell the subtly lecherous Mr Price to fuck off and Eric to fuck yes, me that is.

Price is of the generation that sees nurses as having an erotic bedside manner, what with his hand, whichever side of his bed I happen to be on, somehow straying to my nearside stocking, and yes, we do wear stockings, suspenders and supposedly panties, although and since the Administrator is a man, he's not going to be able to examine the fact that I much prefer to wear a thong; a black one today, and one that was becoming a bit moist, having I caught site of Eric.

"Can you," I intoned, directing Eric's attention to where Mr Price's hand was, and where I'd much prefer Eric's to be, and that's just for starters.

"Come on, now, Mr Price, you've had enough excitement for one day. You'll be bursting, not only a blood vessel but Nurse Jacobson's ...

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