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On My Seventeenth Wedding Anniversary: Chapter 5this story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 2358 words) [5/10] show all parts

Author: Reltney McFee
Added: Oct 10 2014Views / Reads: 1264 / 789 [62%]Part vote: 9.18 (11 votes)
Revenge, a dish best served cold!

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I suppose I dropped off to sleep, because I was awakened by the cessation of the drum of water in the shower upstairs. Shortly thereafter the sound of Annie's footsteps preceded her return to the basement playroom. Her hair nearly dry, she startlingly resembled the fresh scrubbed young woman whom I had once loved so much, so long ago. How appearances can deceive us. Then I recalled how she had left our sons alone while she and What's-his-name were off gallivanting about. (or, more likely, shtupping each other silly) I remembered the insults, the demands, the threats that I'd not see my boys. Suddenly, I was back in the game. Let the assfucking begin!

Annie must have seen my thoughts play out across my face. There went my poker career! My resolve was reflected in the anxiety I saw growing in her eyes. Good.

"You aren't serious about the whole assfucking thing, are you?" The tremor in her voice made me feel all warm and happy inside. As well as hard, outside. Ah, the wonders of PDE-5 inhibitors! My reply (both verbal as well as erectile) likely did nothing to set her at ease.

"That has been part of the plan all along. Of course, having come this far, it might be a bit late for second thoughts, don't you think? Besides, I have been looking forward to this part of the evening, ...

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