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On My Seventeenth Wedding Anniversary Chapter 6this story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 3395 words) [6/10] show all parts

Author: Reltney McFee
Added: Oct 14 2014Views / Reads: 1056 / 687 [65%]Part vote: 9.71 (7 votes)
Revenge, a dish best served cold! The weekend with The Ex progresses..

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I awakened with the sun the next day. Blue skies, sunshine, temperatures in the seventies, a lovely breeze wafting through the open windows, my lovely girlfriend in bed with me, my ex bound to the bed in the next room: what was there not to like? I wandered into the kitchen, started some coffee, and visited my guest in the second bedroom. She was awake, and had her own itinerary.

"You took your sweet time getting in here! Hurry up and let me loose, so I can pee!" Once again, the shy demure maiden I had once loved, showed her dark side. Sigh. I released her, and she bolted for the bathroom, toilet seat falling almost before the door was fully closed. I started breakfast in the kitchen.

The smells of bacon, eggs and bagels roused Marie. She came shuffling sleepy eyed into the kitchen, and we shared a hug as we watched the food cook. Eventually Annie finished her activities, and joined us, nakedly veering to the coffeepot. Marie spoke first.

"How did you sleep? Well, I hope, after your workout yesterday!"

To my surprise, Annie was civil. "I slept like an honest woman. I ...

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