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Dream Onthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 1842 words)

Author: Lucy Picture in profile
Added: Oct 16 2014Views / Reads: 722 / 302 [42%]Story vote: 9.60 (5 votes)
Lucy writes a letter to a cyber chat partner, to tell him about a dream she had.

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David, David, David - what are you doing to me? A voice as deep and smooth as chocolate, sexy and purring; it's the voice that does it every time. I've told you this before, but now you're invading my dreams. How did I get to this point, and will I ever recover? Well, I guess I had better tell you about the dream then, but you'll have to forgive me if every now and then I pause - I think I might need relief!

Well, you know how it is with dreams; you start at a point without really knowing the how or the why. In this case, you were at a conference at a large hotel come conference complex in the Midlands, how did I know you were there? Who knows, why did I decide that I was there? This is an even a bigger mystery, but such is the logic of dreams. Anyway, I booked myself in, duly primped and tidied myself, and then the next thing I knew, I was walking cross the bar/lounge area. I was wearing the ubiquitous little black dress and three-inch heels, white hair longer than normal and my figure definitely in better shape than usual. You were leaning against the bar; beer glass in hand, and laughing with four or so other guys. The voice and laugh was the magnet. I knew what you looked like but the fact that you were so tall, well in my dream, was a shock. So gathering my courage, I tapped you on the shoulder.

"Hello David I'm..." I didn't get any further.


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