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The Watcher: A Haunted House Storythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 7337 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: DJ
Added: Nov 01 2014Views / Reads: 1825 / 1068 [59%]Part vote: 9.22 (9 votes)
Young couple move into a haunted house with a kinky history. Story could fit into several different categories including cheating.

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Kristie was 28, married and had a great job, exactly how she wanted it. Kristie had never really been left wanting for anything in her life. Some might say she's lucky while others might call her spoiled. Either way, she's used to getting what she wants.

At 5'4" and only 105 lbs, Kristie is quite petite. Her mother was Japanese and her father's roots were European. She had her mother's beautiful complexion and silky black hair, but her father's blue eyes. She had other features that came from her father's side too, like that she was also taller than everyone on mother's side of the family and also got her hourglass figure from her father's side. While she wasn't overly top heavy, her boobs looked large on her small frame. It was the same with her butt, any red blooded male would think it's perfect. But like most women, Kristie thought it was too big though.

Kristie had been a cheerleader in high school and went to a State College to earn her bachelors in business administration. It was there that she met her future husband, Tony. They started dating her Junior year in the fall and they were married the year after she graduated.

Tony was career focused and was able to get his foot in the door with a major IT company shortly after graduating and Kristie was able to get a job working at the corporate offices of a manufacturing company. After six years into their careers everything seemed to be going to schedule.


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