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Getting the Promtionthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 3107 words)

Author: DJ
Added: Nov 05 2014Views / Reads: 7567 / 5310 [70%]Story vote: 8.92 (13 votes)
Woman tries to influence the hiring manager with unintended consequences.

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Sheri was the center of attention and it pissed Brittney off. "Congratulations!" everyone told her at her promotion promotion party. Brittney hung back and watched everyone kiss ass. The sad thing was that everyone knew why she was really getting promoted and it wasn't due to her work ethic.

Sheri was a picture perfect blonde haired, blue eyed, perfect body woman in her mid thirties who all the guys adored and all the women wanted to be like. All except for Brittney that is. Brittney wanted recognition based on hard work and she was determined to get it. The funny thing is, that besides being a brunette Brittney was also gorgeous. Deep down that bothered her more than anything. Brittney just didn't flaunt her tits and ass by showing off her cleavage and wearing the tightest possible pants.

"At least you don't have to see her anymore, right?" Brittney's husband, Chuck told her that night after she got home.

"That's not the point." Brittney said irritated. "I can do circles around her any day in the office."

Chuck didn't want to upset his wife of eight years anymore than she already was, but he knew it was just reality. People like being around people who look good. He had only met Sheri once, when he had come to meet Brittney for lunch at her office. Sheri was an absolute bombshell, ...

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