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The Kissing Game V: The Returnthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 4613 words) [5/5] show all parts

Author: JL Picture in profile
Added: Dec 16 2014Views / Reads: 1873 / 1287 [69%]Part vote: 9.53 (19 votes)
Brent's stepmother leaves . . . but then she comes back.

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The Kissing Game: The Return

Brent could hear his stepmother's moans from upstairs as he walked through the front door. "Mmm . . . ohh . . . yes . . . I like it, yes!"

Who was it? A neighbor? One of his friends? A stranger she'd picked up somewhere? Brent dropped his backpack quietly and crept up to the second floor.

Brent's night class had run late, and he'd hung out at a bar with some classmates to talk about Heidegger and Nietzsche and other philosophers. And which waitress had the best boobs. So when he walked into his house, half-drunk, he was already horny, and the moans from upstairs only made his boner grow harder.

The loud moans came from the big bedroom. The one Julianne shared with his father. Except his father was in Germany, working on some big project that might take months to finish. So who was Julianne with now?

Julianne sat on the edge of the bed. She was stark naked, and sweating. Her thighs were spread wide, and she was rubbing her wet pussy in a fast circular motion. She stroked her clit, her moans growing louder as she got closer and closer to an orgasm. ...

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