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Samthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 4178 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: jon_pilgrim Picture in profile
Added: Dec 22 2014Views / Reads: 1153 / 550 [48%]Part vote: 9.67 (12 votes)
Im disturbed that some of my conquests are accusing me of making them into sluts. I need to see an old friend and discuss.

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I am disturbed by the fact that my recent women have all told me I groom them to be sluts.No that can't be true, I bring out the truth in them. I need to talk with an old friend so I'm going to see Sam. Sam is unmarried but wedded to her job, she works all hours and is a true Godsend to the neighbourhood. I walk down her drive having first made sure she was in and ring the door bell.

'Just a minute,' I hear her cry out, before the door opens and she greets me.

'Hi Jon, long time, no see, come on in,' she says kissing my cheek.

I enter the vicarage.

The Reverend Sam Tucker is wearing a pair of black well fitted trousers and a dark grey shirt buttoned up at the front and her white dog collar. She's a Barbie girl with her tall frame, blond curly hair and blue eyes. She loves high heels that make her legs go on for ever. She offers me tea and she chats about her work as she prepares tea in the kitchen. Once made, we take it into her study and I sit on her rather well used couch.

'So what brings you here Jon?' she asks.

'Well, it's rather a delicate matter and it troubles me.' ...

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