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Unannouncedthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1776 words)

Author: Editor of Sexrealm Picture in profile
Added: Jan 27 2001Views / Reads: 4320 / 1844 [43%]Story vote: 9.00 (2 votes)
A man comes home, but it´s not his wife waiting in there for him...

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from the workshops of Sexrealm - 98

The house has four floors, and it is nearing dark you enter on the lowest one. You have been on a long business-trip, and you are looking forward to seeing your wife. As you just turned forty, you have depended on your wife a lot to handle stuff in your absence. She's a few years younger than you, and no matter how much you are around her, she amazes you. Constantly. You move your tall frame through the house, and it is dark. There is a slight thumping sound repeating itself, but you can't locate it.

Your wife is waiting for you, you guess, so you slip into the livingroom, turning on the stereo and tossing you shirt on the couch, moving up, the classical music announcing your presence. As you climb the stairs to the third floor you can distinctly hear the stereo in the gym blasting away, the heavy beat pounding. It isn't your wife's usual work-out tape, but you advance still. As you round the corner you catch a glimpse of the person in the gym. It's me. I am 21 years old, tall, tanned, very fit, dressed in a tight top, and even tighter shorts, glistening with sweat and engaged in my exercises.

In the heavy aerobics, I jump back and forth in front on the great mirror to the beat, my tanned stomach, legs and arms bare. My heart is ...

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