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Nine Plusthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:threesomes, 5166 words)

Author: ThePiggy
Added: Jan 09 2015Views / Reads: 4829 / 2147 [44%]Story vote: 9.64 (14 votes)
While on vacation a well hung black man seduced my wife into a threesome and what happened then changed me forever

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"Ever had nine Baby Girl?" He asked my wife softly as he stood beside her in one of the dance clubs at the well known, all inclusive, Jamaica resort. He was a short but powerfully built black man with a shaved head. He had an air of confidence that;had been evident as soon as we'd met him at one of the resort pools earlier in the day. He'd been friendly and personable at the pool so I'd been shocked at his extremely forward and suggestive comments to my wife while I stood by her side in the club. He knew we were married and neither she nor I had given him any indication that we were open to swinging but he saw someone who he was attracted to and he went for it without hesitation or concern. On some level I respected that and it was interesting to watch them spar.

I couldn't blame him for hitting on my wife. She was still a beautiful and sexy woman at 40 and he was far from the first man to hit on her. Men, especially black men, were always hitting on her. I was used to that but something seemed different that night. It may have been the way she looked at him or the way that she nervously played with her hair but I could tell that the attraction was mutual.

"My husband is just fine in that department," she said incredulously. It was not exactly a ringing endorsement but she was right. I had a nice thick, above average cock but I was far from nine inches and I wondered what a nine inch dick looked like on a man who was just 5'8" tall. I had seen enough porn to know what nine inches of dick looked ...

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