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He Was Straightforward With Methis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 4099 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Jan 10 2015Views / Reads: 7334 / 5256 [72%]Story vote: 9.42 (26 votes)
Young guy next door is straight and to the point when he tells me that he wants to fuck me....

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A few months ago my husband and I were sitting in our yard as our son ran around playing when we heard someone call out to us. We looked over and saw our new neighbors standing on the other side of the fence. We made our way over and they greeted us while introducing themselves. We introduced ourselves to them and the four of us began to chat. They had recently moved in to the house next door and wanted to say hello to all the neighbors. They were a bit older than us and also had a son who was attending a local college. He eventually came out and joined us, also introducing himself to my husband and I. His name was Brian and he told us that he was attending college in order to get a degree in management. He hoped to someday own and manage some kind of company. We all chatted for a bit and I noticed that they were very friendly. Eventually we headed back in as they went on their way. A few days later as I was sitting in the yard by myself while my son played, I heard somebody say hello and looked over to see Brian by the fence. I invited him into the yard and he accepted. He joined me at my picnic table where the two of us sat and chatted for a while. We chatted and he told me how he was earning his degree and whatnot and I mentioned to him that I was in the teaching field and that if he ever needed any help with anything to feel free to ask me. As we talked to each other, I noticed that he was very friendly and I also noticed that he was very upfront and forward about things. He was the type of guy that said whatever was on his mind. He even seemed a bit outspoken but I didn't mind. I actually liked people who were like that. I preferred somebody to be straight to the point then to beat around the bush. He told me ...

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