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Yvonnethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3663 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: jon_pilgrim Picture in profile
Added: Jan 16 2015Views / Reads: 2368 / 1667 [70%]Part vote: 9.53 (15 votes)
Emily's mother Yvonne accuses me of having an affair with her daughter Emily. Yvonne needs taking down a peg or two.

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'Hello Yvonne, what brings you here?'

'Hello Jon, can we go inside, there's something I want to ask you?'

'Sure, come on in.'

She walks past me and into the hallway.

'Is Nikki around?'

'No, she's out, what is it you want to ask me?'

'Good. I want you to stop whatever it is you're doing with Emily.'


'Yes, Emily, you know my daughter?'

I have no idea what she is talking about but I'm not prepared to tell her.

'I know who Emily is. The question is why would I want to stop doing whatever I am with Emily just because you ask?' ...

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