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Knightly virtuesthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 3309 words)

Author: Editor of Sexrealm Picture in profile
Added: Jan 27 2001Views / Reads: 1565 / 1185 [76%]Story vote: 9.50 (4 votes)
A wandering knight is trapped by a cunning and passionate witch, who then has her way with him, forever...

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Knightly virtues

from the workshops of Sexrealm - 98

On the dark forest-road a knight is travelling slowly, heading for the capital in the distance. The weather is warm and in fear of robbers on the road he wears his armour, even when on his horse. He is tall and handsome, muscular under the metal-clad leather armour vest, leggings and arm-plates. He has a helm tucked in under his arm, and a sword swings by the side. As he rounds the bend of the road, he sees a patch of sunlight falling onto a deep pool of water. A slow, sweat-stricken thought wanders though his mind "A swim is what I need". Clinging to a nearby tree a form watches him approach, smiling, giggling to itself, slowly beginning to weave a small spell in the water as it watches the knight dismount his horse, and walk towards the edge of the water. The knight kneels by the water, running his hand through it and muttering to himself. "Just warm enough" he mutters as he starts taking the armour off, dropping the chestplate in the grass, and pulling to get the armour off his legs. Casting another slow spell the form slides down into a tree overhanging the water, watching the knight take off his armour, a slow smile widening as the spell hides the form from the eyes of the knight. The metal armour comes off slowing, then the knight starts pulling off the leather and padding. His arms and chest are covered with scars. The last of the padding drops to the ground and he starts moving towards the water. ...

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