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He Wanted A Turn Tothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2404 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Mar 03 2015Views / Reads: 2469 / 2006 [81%]Story vote: 9.55 (11 votes)
After going out for drinks a couple months ago and running into an old coworker, I ended up in his car with him having a nice quick fuck,,,,,and now I get a call from his brother...

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This past September, I did something that changed me forever. Prior to September, I had been going through a bit of the tough time. My husband and I had started a family and since having our baby, he had become very busy at work. He was spending less time at the house since he was often on business trips. He was bringing in plenty of money but at the same time it was affecting our love lives. We were spending less and less time in the bedroom and more and more time tending to other things. Obviously, our son was the most important thing in our lives and my husband definitely made sure that he had everything he needed. He took care of me as well, always giving me anything I needed but the lack of attention in the bedroom was getting to me. Like any other woman, I had my needs and the toys weren't sufficient. Our sex lives had gone from two or three times a week, to maybe two or three times a month. Don't get me wrong, my husband was making plenty of money and taking care of everything, except for one thing. I did my best to cope with it, but it was definitely catching up to me. I got a job in hopes that it would keep me busy and distracted, but that didn't help much either. I still lay in bed at night hoping for some love and romance but it rarely came. I had no intentions of leaving my husband because everything else in our relationship was absolutely fine. A part of me did wonder how he was content without getting any action and it made me ask myself if there was more than just business going on during his trips. Prior to having the baby, we would have sex almost every night. Since then, things had taken a complete turn. I was suspicious but I couldn't prove that he was actually doing it and it remained a thought ...

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