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Quantum Fuck 8> Black sundaethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 6018 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Mar 12 2015Views / Reads: 2241 / 1321 [59%]Story vote: 9.67 (6 votes)
After some more, albeit lack lustre erotic escapades, I attended a traditional carnival on the final full evening of my vacation, where I both sought and found something that was truly memorable.

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To set the scene for this sexcapade, I specifically booked the two weeks that I did as there was a carnival in town on the second Saturday, being the day before I returned to the UK - Sunday evening.

Admittedly, there had been other sexual encounters that fortnight, and with white as well as black natives, though none you could type up over 2500+ words about and make interesting and engrossing: a couple of guys taking me out on a catamaran; being picked up in a bar - how clichéd is that; and worst of all, being dumped by the roadside because I wouldn't come across. Hopefully, and with everyone in a party mood, things, and the evening in general, would go with a bang!

So, hold onto your cocks, guys, and whatever it is you ladies use, as this is gonna be one hell of a ‘ride!'

I decided to leave it until late for the type of party I had in mind, and ventured out around 9pm dressed in a plain cream coloured t-shirt and a ‘mellow yellow' cotton skirt, which, although it was quite full at the hem, bunched up against my otherwise naked legs (just below my ...

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