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Quantum Fuck: 11> The Girls Halloween night outthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 4249 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Apr 02 2015Views / Reads: 2036 / 1191 [58%]Story vote: 9.71 (7 votes)
Some months after I brought Sandra Adams out of her shell – she and I both still occasionally seeing Steve and Mark – I suggested a night out, and at a very adult all hallows dance party.

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For those of you who missed part 3 (naughty of you), here's a brief re-cap: Sandra Meadows (a close friend of mine), whose husband had left her with a now 18-year-old son, had, for some years now, resigned herself to being somewhat celibate. That all changed, and quite dramatically, one afternoon, when I occupied her body having had Steve and Mark, two of her son's close friends, pay her a visit. After I'd left her body and returned downstairs, Sandra became a different woman indeed, wanting to share the two young men with me or have them to herself.

On one such occasion that I visited them by surprise, Sandra's son Alan was there, and you can no doubt guess the rest; don't tell Sandra, though, she'll probably kill me.

A short while after I returned from my holiday, not having heard from any of them, I phoned Sandra. I could tell from her voice that she was sullen. Enquiring of the two boys, who I doubt would have told her about the foursome I had with them and Alan, she told me that they had been accepted at a college far outside of London. ...

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