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The Boys Are Back In Townthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2545 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Apr 18 2015Views / Reads: 5030 / 3474 [69%]Story vote: 8.69 (13 votes)
About a year ago, while tutoring my friends sons, I bribed them in order to graduate & spent a night in a hotel with them...now, they are home on break...

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A little over a year ago, a close friend of mine asked me for a big favor. She had two sons whom were repeatedly left back in school because they just didn't care and she really wanted them to get through high school and graduate. She asked me if I could help them out with a little tutoring. I offered to do it and did my best to help the guys out but it wasn't easy. I could tell that they weren't focused on school as I tried to help them. After a couple of months, I was ready to give up when my husband suggested bribing them. I decided to give it a shot and told them that if they pulled their grades up and graduated, then they could have a gift of their choice. They returned a few days later and told me that they knew what they wanted. As the three of us sat in the yard, they shocked me by telling me that if they were to graduate, then they wanted me to be their gift. They wanted me to come and hang out with them on their graduation night. It took me a few minutes to realize what they were saying but eventually I decided to say yes. I really didn't have a lot of faith in them so I wasn't worried. The rest of the school year went by and low and behold the two fuckers worked hard enough to get their grades up to a passing level. The day before graduation, they stopped by and told me all about it and being a woman of my word, I decided to go with their plan. I don't know why I did, but I went with it. They took care of everything and the next day after the graduation ceremony, I ended up joining them at a local hotel where they spent the night fucking me. Looking back at it, it was an incredible night and something that I had never experienced. They took turns using me but I left there feeling incredible. I enjoyed ...

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