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The School Superintendentthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 7420 words)

Author: Joshua
Added: May 04 2015Views / Reads: 2840 / 1744 [61%]Story vote: 9.83 (18 votes)
Not only was Steven the youngest Principal in the district, he also had sixty-nine year old Superintendent Margaret Fields as his mentor. Late one evening, he discovers how violating her privacy affects her mood.

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I was an up and comer in the education field in my hometown. After college, I took a teaching position at the same high school I'd attended as a teenager, and taught there for five years before earning another certification in education administration. That meant I was qualified to be a school principal. But so far, none of the older Principals had retired, so I was forced to bide my time.

Most of our students dropped out of school before graduating. When they did graduate, too many were barely able to read and write. These kids had been dumped on by society, or their parents, or both. I felt for the kids, I really did. They were fighting everyday against the odds in a society that looked down on them and a future that offered very little hope. I realized I may have been the only ray of hope for many of these kids, so I set out to ensure they received not only the education they deserved, but that they also saw I cared for them as people, as humans. The result was that they bought into what I was saying and practiced, and as a result, their test scores began to climb dramatically to the point that they were the best at science in the entire state. So, when I was summoned to the Superintendent Margaret Field's office last May just days before the end of the school year, I was certain the reason for the visit was to explain how my students performed so well academically. I had no idea that that afternoon would change my life in many ways.

I remember that day quite clearly. When the school secretary informed me ...

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