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Graduation Tripthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 45434 words)

Author: Janet Fremont
Added: May 11 2015Views / Reads: 3875 / 2532 [65%]Story vote: 9.38 (8 votes)
Lauren just graduated from high school. She is making a trip out west like a number of her classmates but, for financial reasons, must tag along with her cousin and his friend. It’s better than nothing and turns out to be better than she could have imag

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by Janet Freemont


Clear blue sky. A few clouds of pure white, slowly moving across the azure dome. There's one that looks like a rabbit. Another that is clearly a heart. At least until seconds later when their shape would alter and then become something else. The air was warm - probably low eighties - although I knew that it would become quite cool in a few more hours. High up in the Rockies the thin air makes for rapid changes of temperature, but for the moment it was quite comfortable to lie here on the green grass, the scent of evergreens flooding my senses, and a blue alpine lake only ten yards distant.

The sun warmed my naked body and that of the man lying beside me as we dried from our recent swim. This all seemed so natural and yet so very, very strange. Two weeks ago I had been a virgin. I hadn't been skinny dipping since I was a kid and never thought I was the type to ever do so again. I was the "good girl" who never did such things. A month before I had barely met the man beside me - now my lover - and two months before that I was still in high school and had never experienced or even imagined that all I've done in the last few weeks was anywhere in my foreseeable future. How wonderful the world can ...

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