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Bred in the Stablesthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 4420 words)

Author: ThePiggy
Added: Jun 12 2015Views / Reads: 4524 / 2903 [64%]Story vote: 9.75 (12 votes)
Karen succumbs to carnal desires

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Karen eased the big Cadillac Escalade from the school parking lot and made a quick left onto Rte 15. She'd dropped the twins at school 30 minutes early so she could get to the stables for her 8am riding lesson but she was still running late. She'd been taking lessons for two months and it was, without question, the best thing she'd ever done.

"Hello Mrs. Kelly," Jim said as she climbed from the big SUV. He offered her a hand and she gladly accepted his chivalry. He was a big, somewhat imposing black man with dark skin, short curly hair and a thick powerful body but he was always sweet and exceptionally polite to Karen and the other women in her group.

"Thank you Jim, is the rest of the group here already?" Karen asked as she straightened her tight riding pants and smiled up at the big man. He was in his late forties or early fifties with lightly greying hair but his skin was smooth and vibrant as if age had no effect on it. Karen had long been attracted to older men but never before had she felt that way towards a black man.

She was a southern girl, born and raised in a small town on the border between southwestern Virginia and North Carolina and even in the late nineties when Karen was entering high school "good" white girls didn't date black boys. That atmosphere had helped form her outlook on society but despite her slight, subtle prejudice she was attracted to Jim in a way that she'd never experienced. She had often fantasized ...

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