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Threat of foreclosure - Part 7this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3048 words) [7/11] show all parts

Author: slyfox Picture in profile
Added: Jun 16 2015Views / Reads: 885 / 636 [72%]Part vote: 8.67 (9 votes)
Tanya and the girls enter into a new and exciting part of their career, but in so doing, must accept new levels of sexual experiences.

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Threat of Foreclosure Part 7

By Slyfox

Fan note: In this chapter, the girls are required to expand their horizons to prepare for a new challenge, an opportunity afforded to few amateurs. If you are turned off by anal or Sapphic stories, feel free to leave Tanya and the girls at this point. You'll miss out on a lot but it's your choice.

Part 7

Driving through a heavy rain on the way home, I knew that in my attempt to get my way, I'd created a monster. I knew he would expect details to be followed by sex . After all, wasn't that what I'd promised? If I was foolish enough to use my irritated clit and battered pussy as an excuse, he would jump at the chance to use that as a reason for my early retirement. I'd counter with the contract argument and I might actually win, but it would be a shallow victory.

There was no way out but damn, I was tired, mentally and emotionally. As I pulled into the garage, my cell beeped, notifying me that I had a text message, Fumbling through my purse, I brought up the messaging icon to see that I had a message from my friend, Clarice. I texted back that I was able to talk if she was home. ...

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