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Brief encounters: 2> Naked ramblethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 3507 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Jun 25 2015Views / Reads: 3430 / 2171 [63%]Story vote: 9.22 (9 votes)
While walking around the nudist reserve in the hot summer sunshine, Kelly and Shauna encountered a clothed young man with a zoom lens camera.

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Outline of story: While walking around the nudist reserve in the hot summer sunshine, Kelly and Shauna encountered a clothed young man with a zoom lens camera

"Wow, it's so warm and liberating," Kelly exclaimed to Shauna.

Looking for something different at the weekend, they had happened upon a nudist trekking reserve while browsing on the internet. Studying the rules, Shauna read that, although visitors were expected to be naked around the camp site's accommodation area, a minimal amount of clothing could be worn when walking around the reserve; a designated region, where, for something to do, visitors could freely ramble.

Unlike an animal reserve, there were no fences, and so there was no set boundary to keep to.

"I'm glad I wore this," voiced Kelly, of her khaki waistcoat; the pockets of which, held their valuables along with the girl's cabin keys.

"Me too," added Shauna, who wore an unbuttoned short sleeve khaki shirt that had no tails. In addition, they each wore a khaki safari brimmed hat and canvas trainers as they leisurely strolled through the varied short and tall undergrowth.


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