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Threat of Foreclosure Part 9this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 4201 words) [9/11] show all parts

Author: slyfox Picture in profile
Added: Jun 27 2015Views / Reads: 898 / 621 [69%]Part vote: 9.20 (10 votes)
One phase of her challenges ends and now Tanya must decide if she can handle the klargest challenge of all.

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Threat of Foreclosure Chapter 9


"So how long have you been a bi-sexual?" I asked Ginger as we sat together after my first lesbian scene.

"Ever since I found I could almost double my income," she said.

I laughed at her but she seemed to be serious. "I was one of the first hires here but there wasn't any work for several months. I did some clips and some anal but it wasn't enough to pay the bills. I saw that Starlight was filming a lesbian series so I asked for an audition. I'd never been with a woman so I watched lesbian porn. Lots of it in fact, but when I auditioned, they sent me to a lesbian coach who taught me a whole new side of lesbian porn. That was about three months ago."

"Who was your lesbian coach?"

"Delaney Sanders. You'll meet her in a few minutes. Sweet as a honey crisp but a lot more juicy and a great coach."

"Two minutes every one," Wanda called. "Room 2."

We walked into the room to polite applause from everyone there. ...

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