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Mom had her fair share toothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 798 words)

Author: Allie
Added: Jul 14 2015Views / Reads: 1338 / 905 [68%]Story vote: 8.92 (13 votes)
I go home for Christmas. When I see a car leave, just before I get there....it brings back an event that changed my life.

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Memories of a 70 year old widow...as best I can.

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So after the Christmas party at Dave and Barb's on Saturday, I headed out to Mom's on Sunday. (This is my Step-Mom..) Just before the farm, I saw a car leave. As it went by me, I thought it was someone I recognized. I went up the dirt drive, and swung around to the back of the house. I turned off the car, and just sat there for a minute, looking around. Dad's been gone for awhile, and the place still looks pretty good. The barn was starting to show it's age, as less work on 'repairs' was made. Paint faded, etc.

The Barn.....the barn.......

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The Barn sat down the hill a good 150 yds. or so, with the pond alongside it. That's where I got my "first" vision of SEX. Not with a boy, not the farm animals......but......

Dad drove for a living. Sometimes he'd be gone all week. Mom was left to take care of things. We weren't farmers, but when Dad bought 300 acres, he leased out the land to other farmers, kept a very small portion to grow hay and wheat to feed the horses (3). It was Mr. ...

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