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Without a Netthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 3286 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: mcerotic
Added: Jul 15 2015Views / Reads: 1383 / 1176 [85%]Part vote: 9.09 (22 votes)
“I’m in charge, so it isn’t your decision. If I want you, then you’ll be here. You’re flying without a net, remember.”

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"I can't believe I did that," Amy said. "Gave you my virginity instead of him. Instead of fiancé. Just because you told me to."

She lay on Jason's bed, her legs casually spread without a hint of the embarrassment that might be expected the first time her pussy had been seen by a man, or the fact that her body was covered in a lacework of his cum. He didn't hide that he was looking at her, inspecting the pink folds of her pussy, the shaved smooth pale-skinned outer lips, the burning bush of orange hair. There was a tiny drop of red blood seeping out of her pussy, the only evidence of her fresh defloration.

"Are you OK with what we did?"

"Totally. When are we going to do it again?"

"When do you want to?"

"You're in charge."

"Stay the night."

"But I'm meant to see him this evening...fiancé."

"You have a migraine. Call him."


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