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Assignations - 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 893 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: Sven the Elder Picture in profile
Added: Jul 17 2015Views / Reads: 262 / 2 [1%]Part vote: 8.80 (5 votes)
Third part of the trilogy of clandestine meetings

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Assignations - 3

©Sven the Elder

It's the wee small hours of a hot humid night. One of those times when the air-con doesn't seem to do very much to make things better. I'm lying, naked, on top of the bed, trying to sleep with a zero chance of it happening. I love the US, but temperatures when you're from a small maritime, climated nation are a heck of a problem, and I sure as hell am not use to them!

A shower, or a swim? In my current state the swim seems like a better bet. What's more it's the dark of the moon, so there's only star-light to illuminate the scene at your remote house. Quietly opening the patio windows I amble out onto the pool-side and dip a toe in the water. Bliss, it's cool bit not cold, the previous day's Sun has seen to that. Rather than dive in, as I can't remember how deep this end is, I just ease myself off the side and slip in quietly, so as not to disturb anyone or anything.

Ducking my head under to completely wet myself I ease off and swim gently and easily to the other end, and then back. I climb out and decide to lie back on the lounger, let the water evaporate to cool me and think back over my stay. I think back to the welcome and the sex, so long promised and now fact. Closing my eyes to help me think back I ...

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