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How to improve a marriagethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 4497 words)

Author: JenniGee Picture in profile
Added: Jul 23 2015Views / Reads: 1293 / 1010 [78%]Story vote: 9.33 (9 votes)
Was Jean torturing her husband? Before marriage she was what he called a hot-ass always ready for sex. After marriage she gradually rationed him. If he sloped off to masturbate in the bathroom she would demand sex knowing that he would find it difficult t

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"Roy for god sake what is wrong with you?" Jean brushed off her husband's hands. Hearing his sigh she added, "What did we agree when I consented to marry you?" Roy silently turned over in their marital bed, he had heard it too many times before. It was true of course. He had agreed to what she had demanded albeit at the time he had agreed he was between her thighs and she was demanding, even begging for more as he shafted her with passion.

Jean at eighteen years of age was hot. Her form was petite, beautiful, perfectly formed except for her breasts which Mother Nature had called her to the front of the queue when handing them out. He had had to share her and he was not her first choice. What it had been about him that she wanted so badly as to agree to marry him, at that time he didn't know and cared even less. It was he that swaggered to his pals every time he 'got into her knickers'. It meant a great deal that all of his friends had been with her, often more than once and wanted more, yet now it was he that was chosen to satisfy her demands; in her bed, her parents bed, his car, her car, in her parents living room, in his bed, his parents bed, on their couch where he had a awful problem convincing his mother of an alternative reason for that big stain - Jean's juices flow were a challenge to the Niagara Falls.

Jean was insatiable. Yes she had slept around and yes his friends had intimate knowledge of her body and her sexual requirements, fetishes and sometimes weird demands. It even excited him to think of any of his ...

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