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Threat of Foreclosure Chapter 11this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 7705 words) [11/11] show all parts

Author: slyfox Picture in profile
Added: Jul 26 2015Views / Reads: 584 / 323 [55%]Part vote: 9.83 (6 votes)
It's a wrap, folks and Tanya get's some well deserved time off and a surprise phone call from her in-laws that takes her into her next adventure.

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Threat of Foreclosure

Chapter 11


The final chapter of Foreclosure in which Tanya shows her star status and learns a truth about Adam that shakes her to her core.

It was exciting to realize that after all the mini scenes we'd shot, either as training or to prove our skills, we were finally making an actual film.

Jeanine followed me down to the showers to wash away the skin tone, using the special coconut oil soap. "I think we can make up that hour in the morning," she said.

"How's that?" I asked

"We can change the opening to show you coming out of the shower right away. That way we avoid the time we would waste in makeup only to remove it later. We get everyone in bed and go through the getting acquainted conversations. Georgia finally says lights out and cut.

"That actually makes sense," I said, as I exited the showers to towel ...

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