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Finallythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 3686 words)

Author: jandj4fun
Added: Aug 12 2015Views / Reads: 7616 / 5225 [69%]Story vote: 9.35 (26 votes)
I get caught trying to get a peek, and it turns out better than I could have imagined.

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Actually a partial rewrite of my submission with a few changes...

I noticed the way she was looking at me today. Not much different than normal, just a kind of smirk every once in a while. I did catch her looking at my crotch a little once or twice, but I wasn't sure if it was her trying to see or the fact that I found every opportunity to sit in a way that broadcast it. As looks go she's pretty, there is no doubt about that, I can see the possibilities there as well though she seems pretty conservative. Both of us being married, I never figured it would go anywhere, just give me fodder to beat off with when she left.

We have two offices, mine in the back, and her and Bill in the front office. I do go to the front a lot during the day for coffee and to check on things, but most of my day is spent with my head in the computer, squirreled away in the back. Being a small office, I knew we would be alone, and have been quite a bit in the past. I am a horny guy, so I always have my fantasies, but I never thought they would play out. She is one of my fantasies, but I always saw her as a little prudish, though there were times I picked up on "girl signals" that maybe there was more. Once, I made a comment about changing my hair, she said she liked it like it was. Its not what she said, but how she said it. Another, I had IM'd her that it was way too quiet, she replied that "hopefully that would change".

No biggie though. She is married, has kids, I am married, have kids, I'm ...

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