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The Don - Waterfalls Part 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 2825 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: Plugz
Added: Aug 22 2015Views / Reads: 686 / 330 [48%]Part vote: 9.00 (7 votes)
the continued recap of the adventures I've had thru life. Next up, group sex and my 1st squirter

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The Don - Waterfalls

*Preface: thanks for the feedback and votes, I appreciate the follow up, as I'm a first time writer

If you read part 1 and 2, you know as a young man I had a thing for older women, and then eventually black women. Part 3 picks up where those 2 left off. Part 3:

Party like a rockstar:

As my 20s rolled thru, I continued to have many adventures and encounters with both older women as well as women my age. My early 20s, I spent a lot of time working as a bouncer for several clubs in a major city, and eventually after a few years, went into business for myself as a hired contractor that would come into clubs that were having issues with the clientele and help clean them up.

This lead to me meeting and becoming friends with people from all walks of life: club owners, jetsetters, pro athletes and what soon became a favorite of mine: beauty pageant queens and strippers. I won't go into much detail here, as a lot of it is a fog in memory to me. Let's suffice it to say, I had no shortage of female companionship with no effort at all, women just throwing themselves at me because of I was. Was a bit shallow with it all, hmm yea, but what the hell, I was young, ...

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