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The Headmistress: Chapter Fivethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 14706 words)

Author: Joshua
Added: Aug 28 2015Views / Reads: 1290 / 675 [52%]Story vote: 9.67 (9 votes)
Jan is summoned by the wealthy but angry parent of her star student. Will she lose her job or will she have some other form of penance?

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I'd been tasked - or instructed, depending on how you looked at it - to escort my star pupil to London to receive several distinguished academic awards. Peyton Lake, twenty years old, was not only the best student at Brighton Academy where I am the headmistress, but he is also our best athlete. Several times before our journey, I'd overheard Peyton boasting about his physical prowess with the girls of Brighton, exclaiming to his friends that all he had to do was to "snap his fingers," and the women would come running to him.

Well, as it turned out, Peyton was not as experienced as he led his friends to believe. It was during the night train journey to London that I discovered Peyton attempting to purchase the services of a prostitute. When I intervened, Peyton became embarrassed that I'd caught him doing something illegal. He became despondent, however, when he realized that I knew he was actually a virgin and had had absolutely no real sexual experiences in his life. Feeling sorry for Peyton, and because I cared deeply for him - as I do with all my students - I took Peyton into my sixty year old arms, and taught him how to please a woman. This young, twenty year old stud fucked me, his sixty year old Headmistress, several times before the night train arrived in London. And each time was better than the last.

But a surprise awaited Peyton and I upon our arrival at the main station the next morning. As I waited for Peyton to find a valet for our bags, I discovered his parents, Simon and Pamela Lake, had also been on the ...

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