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Higher Education Perks are Expotentialthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 6697 words) [3/6] show all parts

Author: Little tommy D.
Added: Aug 30 2015Views / Reads: 980 / 612 [62%]Part vote: 10.00 (6 votes)
It was a Holiday weekend. Chesley and David go to their home to satisfy Hank. On the way, David's meets Chesley's old neighbor. Sparks fly before and during r the Holiday.

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Higher Education Perks are Exponential

Marla and Chesley had decided that the weekend of King's Federal holiday, January 18, would be the perfect time for them to meet at the Kolman's home in the hills outside of Richmond. Marla promised a weekend that would never be forgotten. This would be the time when Hank is introduced to the group as a way to lift his flagging spirits. David had the Friday preceding the holiday off, so he decided her would drive to Richmond to break his new Ford Focus in and to test it on the open road. He loaded the car and started his drive. It was a cloudy, windy day and his trip was moving right along. The car was handling the wind well and was as smooth as a silky sheet on a fresh made bed. His luck didn't hold for long. Just before the small town of Stafford it began to snow, but as he plowed on, it became heavier and thicker, the windshield wipers were struggling to move it out of his sight and the highway was becoming dangerously overloaded with the deepening snow from the wild storm. He saw the "Virginian Hotel" billboard sign for Fredericksburg and he knew he could make the five miles, but not much more. He decided to give it up and stop for the night at that hotel in Fredericksburg. He slowed, used his car audio system phone to call the number of the hotel on the billboard and reserved a deluxe room for the night.

He pulled in when he saw the sign for 'The Virginian.' It was a beautiful structure, white columns lone the entrance, the brick shone ...

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