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Betty's Pleasurethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 5668 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: JenniGee Picture in profile
Added: Sep 02 2015Views / Reads: 2009 / 1354 [67%]Part vote: 9.89 (9 votes)
Ray and Betty now had a young woman and her mother as neighbours. For Ray it was a 'child in a sweet-shop' situation with the comings and goings of so many gorgeous young women. For Betty... well, how could she ever have guessed what pleasures were in st

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"Oh Ray.. Ray!" It took a great deal of Betty's strength to push her husband's shoulders in an effort to remove his mouth from hers. "What's come over you dear?"

It was a rhetorical question that Betty knew that her husband, if he had heard her, would ignore. He was intent on pleasure, sexual pleasure and if the truth was known it was his ec pleasure as well as physical. Not that Betty had too much to complain about as she was on the receiving end and she was enjoying it but at the back of her mind there was concern for her husband of many years; not that he was not in excellent health but this was the first time he had achieved such a height of passion between her thighs. Ray grunted, his hips continued to drive that familiar hardness deep into Betty.

Although both of them tried hard to maintain variety in their lovemaking, over the last few years the act of copulation had become predictable. Not that this time had they done anything out of the usual, what was different was Ray's fervour. From the moment Betty slipped under the bed covers Ray had been a demon lover.

Betty knew she had no reason to be surprised - the two new neighbours - mother, Lana and daughter, Maddie - had a great deal of influence on what she was now experiencing. She had caught her husband performing a sex act with one of them; to her surprise it was not the mother but the daughter; that was a few days ago but it seemed to spur Ray on to what ...

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