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Brotherly Lovethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 1815 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Sep 12 2015Views / Reads: 4100 / 2472 [60%]Story vote: 8.83 (12 votes)
Ive been having a little fun with an old coworker and now I get to know his brother a bit more personaly....

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As some of you may have read and a couple of my recent stories, a few months ago, I ran into an old coworker whom I used to work with when I was younger and also had a history with. For those who haven't read the stories, I'll give you a quick review of them. When I was a senior in high school, I worked at a pizzeria that was owned by an older Italian man and all of his sons worked for him. His oldest son whose name was Mike, was quite the ladies man and would always flirt with all of the girls who worked at the pizzeria. Even though I was dating at the time, Mike flirted with me often and I knew from another coworker that he wanted to fuck me as well as some of the other girls. Being young and horny, I was excited about it. One night, we were left in charge of the pizzeria and had to close the shop together. After closing up, he came on to me and the two of us got it on in the back of the pizzeria. From there, we continued hooking up and having sex whenever we closed the shop together. This continued for a couple of months until I had to go away to college. I eventually married the guy who I was dating at the time and the two of us went on to start a family. Now, almost 15 years later things pretty much remained the same. My husband and I would both work and tend to our son. Then, things changed a bit one afternoon.

I was out with my sister-in-law and we decided to stop by the pizzeria for lunch. It was still run by the same people and sure enough we recognized all the faces that were there. We chatted with everybody and while we were doing so Mike returned from making a delivery. He spotted us and quickly made his way over to greet us. We chatted it up for a ...

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