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Vacation at a clothes-free resort -- good fucking!!!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 766 words)

Author: KathHal Picture in profile
Added: Sep 12 2015Views / Reads: 4643 / 9 [0%]Story vote: 9.44 (18 votes)
An account of a recent vacation trip to St. Martin's, and the great sex that husband Hal and I enjoyed with other couples...

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From Club Orient, St. Martin's, BWI

Note for Various E-friends and others:

Pardon the mass mailing note; just a busy little gql these days, even on vacation, and writing the same thing a dozen or more times....well, just take this generic report on great sex fun, OK?

Hal and I have made winter trips to this nudist resort for many years, never once thinking about an off-season stay. Then British friends tipped us to something: the club teems with academics and students during the summer, when rates are much lower, and they can afford the air fare and club fees. And as many of you doubtlessly already know, academics can be very very horny people -- both female and male! And wow, did we ever make a great decision to come here.

To summarize: We have been here nine days. I have fucked 17 guys (and I have two lined up for later today) and shared great cunnilingus with 11 women (mutual eating of one another's pussies). Analingus from two men, one woman....All in all, a great time. And husband Hal has had a piece of ass (non-PC, Kath, watch it!!!) from about two dozen ladies. And we have five days to go. Whoopeee!

What I love about the Brit and French (and a few Swede) nudists is their blatant approach to sex. Imagine: A well-built naked woman on a sand ...

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