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A Little More Than Recruitingthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2547 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Oct 03 2015Views / Reads: 3696 / 2667 [72%]Story vote: 9.19 (16 votes)
During one of my recruiting trips, I'm sent to a military base in Alaska where I make a couple of new friends...

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I was on a plane, headed to my latest recruitment assignment. I was working for a company that had joined a program to recruit soldiers whom were finishing up with their military services and were going to be looking for jobs. My job was to meet with the soldiers and hopefully recruit them to our expanding company. If everything worked out successfully, we would be expanding new branches in four different cities across the country and hopefully more from there. I enjoyed the job because it let me travel around the country and I got to see many different areas. It sucked being away from the family, but I had to do what I had to do in order to make money and support them. This time around, I was flying to Alaska to meet with the soldiers at the Army base. I was excited, because I had never been to Alaska before. I would be spending a week at the base, which I was accustomed to doing from all my other trips. Hopefully everything would go smooth and I would be able to recruit a few new members to one of our branches.

After several hours on the plane, we finally touched down in Alaska. For some reason, I had expected it to be terribly cold but was surprised when it wasn't so bad. After gathering my bags, I rented a car and was soon on my way to find the base. It took a bit over an hour, but I eventually found my way. After showing all my credentials and ID, I was let into the base where I met with the people who were in charge and after a brief meeting, I was shown to my quarters. Thankfully, they had a separate area for visitors and I would be able to stay by myself. I settled in and after taking care of a few things and making a few phone ...

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