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The Costume Partythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 16677 words)

Author: Joshua
Added: Oct 07 2015Views / Reads: 911 / 581 [64%]Story vote: 9.86 (7 votes)
Because she craves the unusual, sixty-two year old Barb holds a costume party few will ever forget. A bit long, but the twists and turns are worth it.

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I always enjoyed the time of the year between Labor Day and New Year's Day. The turning and falling of the leaves, the air turning crisp, football - of course - followed by Thanksgiving and then Christmas. There's just something about the hustle and bustle that I enjoy, when others do not. Call me crazy, but I do love this time of year so.

One holiday in particular I enjoy is Halloween. I just love donning a costume and flitting from one party to another. In the years past, I've dressed as a southern plantation matron, a nurse, a soldier, and even a professor. But this year, I've decided to go all out at the office Halloween party. This year, I'm going as a sexy witch: and there's a reason for the dramatic change in costumes. But I'll get to that later. Before I describe the costume I've assembled, however, let me tell you about two things: myself and the office where I work. And by the way, my friends call me Barb. You can too.

I'm no beauty queen: I'll say that upfront. I'm sixty-two years old, and while my ass is wider than I'd prefer it to be, I'm not ashamed of it. And yes, I could stand to lose a few pounds. But I carry a set of 38dd tits around with me, I have great legs, and my face is still pretty enough that men of all ages still stare at me in the supermarket. I've let my hair go grey because keeping it the natural blonde I had as a young adult seemed to be just too much trouble.

Up until now, I've led the normal woman's life. I'm married to a man I'm ...

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